Tuesday, June 30, 2009

old painting

Here is a painting I did years ago that is dated 1990 I don't usually date my work for some reason I thought it was important back then to date it. This is a big painting of Jesus before he was put on the cross that I have hung in the hallway of our house
, what the picture does not show is the wool on the edges which represents the lamb. I did a series called I am the lamb, this is the only painting I have left from that series.
I painted this when I was 21, I was living above the Coronado theater that was a small studio apartment (back in the day) lol..
and rent was only 175.00 a month

Monday, June 29, 2009

Freshly done

This skull I just finished over the weekend not sure if I am going to add feathers and rabbit fur yet it looks nice with out them so I might leave them off, the design is of a Thunderbird I found
this is the best picture I got, so much glare from the clear. The clear is a triple coat lacquer, thought I'd try some thing new better off with regular lacquer it was affordable so I got it.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

In the studio

I have been working in my studio so I have not been online too much, been working on a new design and the memorial skull. Hoping to have some new skulls coming , will know for sure tomorrow. I have not been on Etsy other than to check my items no time to visit the chat rooms. I have also been working on a buffalo skull some of the skin was left on the back and had to clean it off and get it ready for paint, It's only a small buffalo but It'll work since they are so expensive some one listed as a cow skull. I get most my skulls from Ebay ,other resources are online store's , Flea Markets, or sales. The worst part about it is you don't know what you really get until it comes they are either cut into or if they have horns they are so badly done that I have to redo them.

Friday, June 26, 2009

some of my art

here is a picture of some of my art not sure what category my art falls into I call it theme art or modern art you can view these individually at http://artshopstudiosp.weebly.com/

Thursday, June 25, 2009

From beginning to end

This is a skull that my father had given to me on my birthday and since it was a gift I wanted this one to stay in my collection, It has a Seth Thomas travel clock in it which means something to me because my Dad had a few Seth Thomas clocks in his collection, you can see in the photo's, how the transition came about this is one of my favorites that I have done taking it to the next level where function meets form.

previous skull I am working on

This skull is for my mother as a memorial for my father . My father passed away this month due to health complications, he had a kidney transplant that my sister donated 4 yrs ago and also had heart problems. he liked iris's so I am painting iris's on the skull and will put his name and the yr on it, this skull also has a little vase on it so that live or fake flowers can be put in it. My father liked the work that I did on skulls so I thought that this would be a good way to honor him. This skull is not done I will post it when it is finished.